Mirth and Laughter


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Logic Defies Me *sob*

Your IQ Is 110

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Above Average


  • At 3:21 AM, Blogger Honey said…

    Logic defies me, too. How high do you have to get to have good logic skills? :) I was 135.

  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Your IQ Is 110

    Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

    Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

    Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average

    Your General Knowledge is Above Average

    I really dislike these things yet I fall into them so often. Even Boy sat down and did it. Argh, my brain! Need. More. Coffee.

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Ellen said…

    Hey Honey, you have my son's IQ (not from this test though). It's pretty bad that my 8 year old is smarter than I am--maybe it's something to do with his name--Jamie. :)

    K, what did boy get?

    Looks like we all are illogical!!! Maybe that's why we're writers. Creativity rules! :)

  • At 11:20 AM, Blogger Honey said…

    All I can say is, if a half trunk of dimes isn't worth more than a trunk of nickels (because dimes are smaller than nickels and therefore it takes more than half the number of dimes as nickels and thus the dimes are worth more), then I don't put a lick of stock in this test. And if that's not a logic test, then what the heck is?? :)

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Boy was operating the same level as me. And as usual, our logic is just warped and odd at any ungodly hour so what do you expect? ;)

    A plane crashes on the border between the US and Canada. Where do you bury the survivors?


  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger Honey said…

    Hey!! I got asked that one today. I said, "Wherever they're from." I should've said, "Wherever they're from... when their time comes!"

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Your IQ Is 125

    Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

    Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

    Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

    Your General Knowledge is Above Average

    That's with more than one cup of coffee and two cookies on board. Caffeine and low sugar make me smarter!!! And reading the questions carefully versus at the speed of editing.


  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Honey, uhm, if you're burying the survivors, I'm afeared.


  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger Honey said…

    Everyone dies. Even if they didn't die in the plane crash, they will one day. Then they'll be buried wherever they're from. Unless they choose to be cremated and have something other than burial done with their ashes. I prefer to not think about being not cremated AND not buried - ick.

  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Ellen said…

    Survivor of the plane crash or not, I'm just going the reincarnated route, so it won't matter. I'm coming back in my next life as Lori and Warren's pet (teacher neighbors). Their dogs and cats are more spoiled than Paris Hilton. :)


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