Mirth and Laughter


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Real Laugh Riot

Okay, what kind of cuisine do you suppose we'll find here? ------>

Once again at a blog loss, I thought we could take a look at oh-so-funny things happening on our planet.

Only in Texas:

Sheriff Clint Low of Mason County hands out pink jumpsuits and slippers, paints the walls and bars pink as well as dyes the sheets pink, all in an effort to reduce repeat offenders and cut down on the vilonce in the jail. Reports repeat offenders down 70% and 0 fights since the revisions. Do men really hate pink this much? Should we apply this method to jails across the country?

In Vancouver, Jim Nelson attempting to reach "spiritual perfection" by fasting says the hell with it, breaks into condo and gorges himself on chilli, cream cheese and tortillas before passing out. Guess that fasting thing doesn't work.

Tracy Harper a British prostitute who took Matthew Bushell to court had the satisfaction of seeing him plead guilty and ordered to pay court costs after failing to pay for six hours of sex.

The Bestival music festival (Isle of Wight in the UK) had to change their circus theme after some ticket holders told them they had a phobia of clowns known as Coulrophobia.

You know . . . clowns really creep out my son. I didn't realize there was an actual phobia! Wow. What are your feelings on clowns?


  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I definitely have the clown phobia thing. They are so creepy!

    Oh, and I fasted once. For 3 whole hours! And then I gorged myself on sandwiches and Martinis before passing out.

  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Clowns don't bother me. :D Since Boy used It, the evil clown movie, as basis to his music class, I've been surprised how many people have a fear of clowns.

    Love your odd information blogs.

  • At 11:26 AM, Blogger Honey said…

    I personally think clowns are a bit odd, and depending on the clown itself, it could be scary, but I don't generally run away screaming in fear when confronted with a clown.

    E, fun fact for you: a week before I met you in Savannah, I was there with Mr. Honey. We were sitting in the City Market when a clown walked by. Immediately, this guy took off running in a different direction. I heard one of his group comment, "He hates clowns."

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Honey said…

    Forgot to mention - Totally LOVE the sushi sign. LOL!

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Honey said…

    Forgot to mention - Totally LOVE the sushi sign. LOL!

  • At 11:51 AM, Blogger Lucy said…

    Well, you know that Mel doesn't like clowns, don't you? They don't bother me.

    Interesting news topics E. :o)

  • At 12:39 PM, Blogger Ellen said…

    Lillian, do you think you passed out from the sandwiches or martinis? LOL. (My favorite drink).

    K, you're not afraid of much, so I'm not surprised. I actually don't have a clown phobia either, but yes, it's strange how many people do!

    H, the Savannah clowns might be a bit scarier than normal clowns, what with the city's crazy history. LOL. I wanna go back.

    L, I didn't know that Mel feared clowns. I'll have to send her a clown-a-gram for her birthday. (If you're Mel reading thing -- just joking. LOL)

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ellen, I can't say for sure, but my money's on the sandwiches.

  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger Ellen said…

    Mine too. Damn sandwiches.


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